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The following items are required to apply for admissions at OLG:
  • Completed online application packet
  • $125.00 non-refundable application fee  
  • Copy of the applicant's Birth Certificate with the state seal
  • Immunization Records 
  • Copy of Baptismal Certificate (for Catholic applicants only)
  • Copy of First Communion Certificate (if applicable for Catholic applicants only)
  • Recent IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan (if applicable) 
  • Psychological and or Psychoeducational Evaluation within the last two years (if applicable)
  • Most recent Report Card & Progress Report and previous year final Report Card
  • Standardized Test Results and previous year standardized test scores (if applicable)
  • 2 Teacher Recommendation Forms/Preschool Assessment Forms (included in the online application)

NOTE: Applications won't be reviewed by the Admissions Committee until ALL the required documents and information have been submitted to the Admissions Office

In addition, the following requirements must be met for specific grade levels:
  • PreK 3 - 3 years old by August 31, potty trained before first day of school
  • PreK 4 - 4 years old by August 31
  • Kindergarten - 5 years old by August 31
  • 1st Grade - 6 years old by August 31
Once a complete application packet has been turned in, the Admissions Committee will review each applicant’s file to determine if OLG is a good fit for the student. Applicants who meet the admissions criteria will be contacted by the Admissions Office to schedule an academic screening through ABC Educational Services ($80 fee).
Non-discrimination Policy
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School follows a policy of non-discrimination with regard to race, color or ethnic origin. The policy of non-discrimination refers to the acceptance and participation of all students. The school adheres to the policies stipulated by the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte.
Admissions Decision
After the application process has been completed, the Admissions Committee will meet to review the faculty feedback and make a decision to accept/not accept an applicant. All decisions will be communicated to the Parent/Guardian by the Admissions Director. An acceptance email will be sent to applicants who have been admitted, and will include instructions for completing an online enrollment packet, as well as setting up a tuition payment agreement.
  • A decision to not accept an applicant is based on the Admissions Committee and Faculty observations, in which determination has been made that the educational setting is not an appropriate match for the student’s specific strengths and needs.
  • Admissions to Our Lady of Grace Catholic School is based on class capacity, the availability of resources as well as the developmental, academic and behavioral qualifications of the applicant.  All applicants are required to participate in the school’s admission interview and screening process.
The following documents must be submitted at time of registration along with non-refundable Registration Fee of $300 to secure the student’s spot:
  • Signed Tuition Contract and Financial Agreement
  • Enrollment in FACTS Tuition and Billing
  • Completed online Enrollment Packet with FACTS Student Information System
  • Immunization Records (Only if an updated record was not provided at the time of the application)
  • Medical/Health Record (signed by child’s physician)
  • Medication and Physician Authorization Form and/or Asthma Treatment Form (for children who require to take medication during the school day, requires doctor’s signature)
  • Child Custody Documents (if applicable)
Parent/Guardian Interview
An interview/meeting with the parents/guardians of each  applicant is conducted during a personalized tour of the school or at a previously scheduled time with the Admissions Office. This interview is designed to allow prospective parents to learn more about the school, the admissions process and to share their concerns and expectations regarding their child’s education if admitted into Our Lady of Grace School.
Student Observation/Shadow Visit
Prospective students applying to the OLG Special Education Programs are required to schedule an observation/shadow visit to the school.  A shadow visit allows the applicant the opportunity to experience a regular school day in the program they are applying for. The duration of observations and shadow visits will vary depending on the grade level the student is applying for and must be scheduled through the Admissions Office.
Admissions Screening
For students applying to Kindergarten through 8th grade, an admissions screening is required. The assessment is administered by ABC Educational Services and it has a cost of $78 per student. This assessment helps provide an overall understanding of each  applicant's academic abilities in the areas of reading, language and mathematics for grades 2nd-8th by utilizing the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement.  For Kindergarten and 1st grade the following instruments are utilized: Test of Early Math Ability (TEMA 3), Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA 3), and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT 4).
The following documents must be provided to the school prior to scheduling an observation/shadow visit:
  • Current psychological educational evaluation/IEP or  Student Accommodation Plan (within 3 years)
  • Most recent test scores from current/previous school (if applicable depending on the grade applying for).
  • Two-way release form (between prospective parents and Our Lady of Grace School, allowing for the exchange/release of information pertinent to the student’s application process).
Application Packet
The application process might take up to several weeks and all the steps and guidelines are followed for every applicant.
  • Parent/Guardian must fill out and submit the online application form and payment of $125 application fee.
  • Parent/Guardian must provide the Teacher Recommendation Forms (must be filled out and signed by applicant’s current or previous teacher)
  • Parent/Guardian must provide all the required documents (listed above) along with the  application and return completed packet with non-refundable fee of $125 (cash or check;  payment can be done electronically if submitting an online application).
  • Parent/Guardian must fill out and submit a paper copy of the ABC Admissions Screening application form, along with a non-refundable $78 fee payable to ABC Educational Services.
NOTE:  Applications won't be reviewed by the Admissions Committee until ALL the required documents and information have been submitted to the Admissions Office. 
In addition, the following requirements must be met for specific grade levels:
  • PreK 3 - 3 years old by August 31, potty trained before first day of school
  • PreK 4 - 4 years old by August 31
  • Kindergarten - 5 years old by August 31
  • 1st Grade - 6 years old by August 31
Non-discrimination Policy
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School follows a policy of non-discrimination with regard to race, color or ethnic origin. The policy of non-discrimination refers to the acceptance and participation of all students. The school adheres to the policies stipulated by the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte.
Consideration for Admissions
Consideration for admissions to the Special Education Programs at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School is based on a review of a completed admissions packet, including the Parent/Guardian  interview, as well as the student’s Observation/Shadow Visit. Without all the pertinent requirements, the Admissions Committee will not proceed with review of the file.
Admissions Decision
After the application process has been completed, the Admissions Committee will meet to review the faculty feedback and make a decision to accept/not accept an applicant. All decisions will be communicated to the Parent/Guardian by the Admissions Director. An acceptance call and email will be followed by an acceptance letter and packet that will include an enrollment agreement and any supplemental information.
  • A decision to not accept an applicant is based on the faculty and Admissions Committee’s  observations, in which determination has been made that the educational setting is not an appropriate match for the student’s specific strengths and needs.
  • Admissions to Our Lady of Grace Catholic School is based on class capacity, the availability of  resources as well as the developmental, academic and behavioral qualifications of the applicant.  All applicants are required to participate in the school’s admission interview and screening process.
The following documents must be submitted at time of registration along with  non-refundable Registration Fee of $300 to secure the student’s spot:
  • Signed Tuition Contract and Financial Agreement
  • Enrollment in FACTS Tuition and Billing
  • Completed online Enrollment Packet with FACTS Student Information System 
  • Immunization Records (Only if an updated record was not provided at the time of the application
  • Medical/Health Record (signed by child’s physician)
  • Medication and Physician Authorization Form and/or Asthma Treatment Form (for children who require to take medication during the school day, requires doctor’s signature)
  • Child Custody Documents (if applicable)
Open Enrollment!