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Counseling & GUIDANCE at OLG


We are proud to say that Our Lady of Grace Catholic School has a full-time counselor available to our students.
Our school counselor implements classroom guidance lessons, small group activities, and solution-focused brief student counseling. The aim of Guidance Class is to provide students with social/emotional lessons that foster the development of self-awareness, recognition of feelings, enhanced communication, conflict resolution, self-care, resilience, and more. As we nurture the whole person, we recognize the importance for every student to feel safe, seen, and supported. 
  • Students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade enjoy biweekly guidance lessons
  • Middle School students meet for monthly guidance classes
  • Mrs. Beveridge is also available for small group and one-on-one meetings throughout the week

How can your school counselor help?

For Students:

  • Managing your feelings (stress, worry, anger, etc.)
  • Improving positive self-dialogue
  • Offering support and a safe listening ear to navigate peer and family conflicts constructively

For Parents:

  • Exploring ways to help your child succeed
  • Improving parent-child communications
  • Providing recommendations for community resources
  • Understanding the developmental changes of childhood through adolescence
Students can connect with the counselor through self-referral, at the request of the counselor, parent referral, administrative referral, and teacher or staff referral.
2024-2025 Roar T