February Cafeteria Menu 2025
2024-2025 School Calendar
Click here for the complete overview of the 2024-2025 school year calendar released in February of 2024.
Please check our online calendar for changes and updates; please review the weekly This Week @ OLG email blast sent on Sundays for most current information.
Dates & times are subject to change; please check the website calendar frequently. -
Birthday Celebration from the CAFE
Would your child like to celebrate their birthday with their classmates?
You can now order ice cream from the cafeteria to celebrate their big day!
Please contact Cafeteria Manager, Lynette Horkey at lhorkey@olgsch.org to learn more.
Thank you!
*Please email one week in advance* -
Archives of Panther Press & This Week @ OLG
Please click here for the Email Campaign Archives of the Panther Press and This Week @ OLG E-blasts sent through Mailchimp:
Parents' Guide to Google Classroom
Greetings Panther Families,
At every grade level, our teachers use Google Classroom as a communication tool, increasing student use as they progress through school.
Learn more about accessing and support your child in Google Classroom at this link:
Google Classroom Guide for Parents -
Panthers Prepare: A One-Stop Family Resource
Additional Announcements
Click here to access all announcements.
Community Prayer IntentionsThe Our Lady of Grace Catholic School Community wants to join together in prayer. Thank you for sharing your prayer intentions with us. Please click HERE to go to the "Prayer Intentions Form" so that we can honor your wishes as we uplift your intentions in prayer.Oremos Pro Invicem. Let Us Pray for One Another.
Roar Tours
Stop by for a private tour of the school and learn more about everything that OLG has to offer. You can reserve your spot by clicking HERE. For additional information, call the Admissions Office at (336) 275-1522.